美國住院醫師甄選的關鍵人物 (People You Meet on The Interview Day)

美國的醫院必須通過美國畢業後醫學教育評鑑委員會(Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education, ACGME)認證,才能成為合格的教學醫院,開設「住院醫師培訓計畫」(residency program)收住院醫師。


計劃主持人Program Director


一定會擔任面試官,甄選住院醫師的關鍵人物。面試季中增加面試機會的letter of intent就是寫給這個人,動用connection也是請對方向這個人推薦自己。


At a minimum, the program director must be provided with the salary support required to devote 50 percent full-time equivalent (FTE) of non-clinical time to the administration of the program. Fifty percent FTE is defined as two-and-one-half (2.5) days per week.


  1. 作為住院醫師良好的學習典範。(be a role model of professionalism)
  2. 整合該地區的醫療需求、醫院於該社區的角色,以及教學的職責。(design and conduct the program in a fashion consistent with the needs of the community, the mission(s) of the Sponsoring Institution, and the mission(s) of the program)
  3. 提供並維護一個良好的學習環境,確保住院醫師能在訓練中習得ACGME提出的核心能力。(administer and maintain a learning environment conducive to educating the residents in each of the ACGME Competency domains)
  4. 設計良好的教職員招募計畫,並每年評估教職員的適任程度。(develop and oversee a process to evaluate candidates prior to approval as program faculty members for participation in the residency program education and at least annually thereafter)
  5. 授權教職員進行教學活動。(have the authority to approve program faculty members for participation in the residency program education at all sites)
  6. 行使終止教職員身分的權力。(have the authority to remove program faculty members from participation in the residency program education at all sites)
  7. 終止任何不符合規範的教學活動或教學場域。(have the authority to remove residents from supervising interactions and/or learning environments that do not meet the standards of the program)
  8. 提出正確及完整的評鑑資料。(submit accurate and complete information required and requested by the DIO, GMEC, and ACGME)
  9. 提供住院醫師申請人專科考試資格的相關資訊。(provide applicants who are offered an interview with information related to the applicant’s eligibility for the relevant specialty board examination(s)
  10. 提供一個開放性的工作與學習環境,讓住院醫師能夠保有隱私、無顧慮地表達對於培訓計畫的意見,而不用擔心被恐嚇或報復。(provide a learning and working environment in which residents have the opportunity to raise concerns and provide feedback in a confidential manner as appropriate, without fear of intimidation or retaliation)
  11. 確保培訓計劃與醫院的政策與規定不相違背。(ensure the program’s compliance with the Sponsoring Institution’s policies and procedures related to grievances and due process)
  12. 確保培訓計畫符合醫院的規範,在必要的時候負責住院醫師合約終止的行政程序。(ensure the program’s compliance with the Sponsoring Institution’s policies and procedures for due process when action is taken to suspend or dismiss, not to promote, or not to renew the appointment of a resident)
  13. 確保培訓計畫符合醫院對於就業與禁止歧視政策的規範。(ensure the program’s compliance with the Sponsoring Institution’s policies and procedures on employment and non-discrimination)
  14. 在住院醫師完成專科訓練的30天內登錄專科結業證明。(document verification of program completion for all graduating residents within 30 days)
  15. 16. 在住院醫師提出要求時,在完成專科訓練的30天內提供個人專科結業證明。(provide verification of an individual resident’s completion upon the resident’s request, within 30 days; and, obtain review and approval of the Sponsoring Institution’s DIO before submitting information or requests to the ACGME, as required in the Institutional Requirements and outlined in the ACGME Program Director’s Guide to the Common Program Requirements.)

教學計畫共同/協同主持人Aggregate/Associate Program Director



教學計畫協調員Program Coordinator


申請人寫信問問題時通常是他們負責回答,工作重要但常被忽視。找不到主持人email的時候letter of intent也可以寫給他們,因為他們通常直接參與「要面試那些申請人」的重大決定!


核心教職員Core Faculty






總醫師Chief Resident





他們不會加入評分團隊,但是會告訴甄選團隊「哪些人他們覺得很討厭,不希望未來跟他們一起工作」(被這樣回報的申請人大概就不會錄取了。) 有時也會回報「特別喜歡哪些申請人,希望他們加入」。這樣的互動機會讓已經在該醫院的住院醫師能夠篩選未來能一起工作的同事。

【補充資料】計劃主持人Program Director、教學計畫共同主持人Aggregate Program Director、助理主持人Associate Program Director的工作時數/人數/薪資保障規範:

註:FTE = full-time equivalent 

【補充資料】教學計畫協調員Program Coordinator的工作時數/人數/薪資保障規範:

註:FTE = full-time equivalent 

參考資料:ACGME Program Requirements for Graduate Medical Education in Psychiatry (2020)




住院醫師申請:自傳篇(Personal Statements)

